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Employee morale is important as more individuals strive to obtain a healthy work-life balance. There are many ways leaders can boost morale, and a great tactic to employ is an internal newsletter.



As discussed in a previous post, communication among employees is crucial, especially from a leadership standpoint. An internal newsletter can serve to provide general updates from different departments, and it can also share news regarding the company as a whole. Communicating insights about company changes, industry news, or other notable events can promote employee engagement and make everyone feel informed.



An internal newsletter offers an excellent platform to highlight employees and share positive updates or news of success. Introducing new hires, spotlighting individuals who tackled a difficult project, or generally praising the work of various teams can work wonders when aiming to boost morale. Rather than sending a private note of acknowledgement to an employee or mentioning them in an informal company email, including space to recognize individuals in a company newsletter can show employees that their efforts are appreciated and noteworthy.



Depending on how you want to format your newsletter, it can be a great opportunity to get employees involved in something that goes beyond their job duties. You may encourage employees to share their thoughts on new practices, write their own relevant materials, or provide ideas for the next newsletter. Some employees may want to participate in the design or distribution of the newsletter, as well. This collaboration can encourage engagement and also aid in reducing turnover; the more involved employees are, the less likely they will be to abandon the company.



An internal newsletter offers an opportunity to encourage transparency between company leadership and employees. When employees feel that they are not kept in the loop regarding company business, especially that which could impact them, they begin to lose trust in their leaders. Through a newsletter, leaders may provide relevant information about the company’s finances, business dealings, or future plans that can help provide a sense of trust and inclusion among employees. A newsletter can be distributed on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis, and in each installment, it is beneficial to share information that employees might otherwise not learn, promoting a deeper sense of trust.