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Being promoted to a management position is exciting. Along with the new promotion comes a pay increase and a plethora of new opportunities. While becoming a manager is exhilarating, there are also challenges that need to be overcome. The most common challenges that managers face are communication issues, low performance, conflicts among employees, poor teamwork and low morale. According to Get Lighthouse, here are seven tips that a manager can implement straight away to guarantee success.

Be Open to Learn and Grow

Upon getting the position, managers need to possess a willingness to learn and grow. When managers are open to growth and change, this will ensure their success. Managers who are open to change and adopt new methods of getting the job done tend to succeed more than those who have a fixed mindset. Managers must always take every opportunity to improve wherever possible, including accepting feedback from others on the team.

Build a Rapport with Everyone Possible

Managers need to take the time to build a rapport with everyone on their teams. Building a rapport is essential because this is the foundation of solid working relationships, as a strong rapport fosters good communication and trust. Managers can build rapport by figuring out the likes and dislikes of everyone on the team, talking with teammates in an informal setting and learning what is important to each teammate.

Schedule One-On-One Meetings With Each Teammate Regularly

When managers regularly meet one-on-one with their teammates, this helps establish a strong rapport, and it is an excellent opportunity to give and receive feedback. One-on-ones are also helpful for uncovering and working through issues and building future leaders. Managers must make meeting together one-on-one a priority, and it must start straight away.

Ask Good Questions and Listen

Part of being a good manager is to be able to ask good questions and listen to the answers that are given. Asking good questions can enable managers to gain new insights or uncover problems that are present. When managers listen to the feedback given, they can make necessary improvements to help the team perform better and create a positive work environment.

Build a Good Rapport With the Boss

In addition to building a good rapport with subordinates, managers must also build a good rapport with the boss, a practice known as managing up. To do this, managers can learn the management styles, preferences, and pet peeves of their managers and how to best work with them. Managers can do this by asking questions about priorities and goals, and they can also ask their bosses for tips on growing and managing the team. When managers have a good rapport with their bosses, they can get the support they need for their team because their bosses will be more willing to help. Not to mention, a strong relationship between a manager and a boss will make for a good work environment.

Build Strong Relationships With Others in the Company

Along with building strong relationships with teammates and the boss, managers need to build strong relationships with other teams within the company. There is much emphasis on collaboration with other teams within an organization, and to best have success with this, managers need to learn how they interface with other teams so they can best work with them. Managers can have one-on-ones with the managers and teammates of these teams to get valuable feedback and get to know their peers better.

Acknowledge Small Wins

If something can be done to make teammates or the boss happy, managers need not delay doing it. If managers can improve a process to make life easier and better for teammates, they must do it. Any win that managers can focus on can build momentum and help create a positive work environment which is a key to helping avoid workplace burnout. After listening


In addition to implementing these seven tips, managers must also be quick to address any conflicts that arise. Northeastern University states that when teammates come to managers with problems, managers must actively listen and be empathetic to the feelings of their subordinates to get to the root of the issue at hand. After listening with empathy, managers can collaboratively work together to come up with a solution that works.