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One of the many responsibilities of a business leader is to inspire their staff to become better each and every day. This, however, can only work if you, the leader, are practicing what you are preaching. It’s a fact that if your team sees you slacking off or disrespecting others, then they themselves will have no reason to do the same when you ask for it. This is why leading by example in business is such an important thing to follow. So, how exactly can you lead by example? Read on to learn some helpful tips you can begin to implement into your daily work-life.


Don’t Let Conflict Roam too Long

There’s no doubt about it; drama and conflict can quickly bring an office to a screeching halt. People who don’t respect each other cannot work properly within an office and thus, productivity and overall profit decrease. This is why it is so important to remove all conflict as soon as you see it happening. When employees see this, they understand that you will not tolerate issues such as drama in the workplace and nor would you participate in it. It can make employees feel safer within their environment as they know that you have their back in the event that they are being bullied or harassed in some way.


Keep Your Promise

Think about all the things you’ve said to your staff. We can safely assume that most of those were promises, either by you or your staff. Promises to do better in the second quarter or promise to become more productive during the workday. These promises made by your staff to you must be adhered to because they run the risk of being fired. But what happens when you, as the leader, make a promise? Certainly, you can’t fire yourself. Even though no consequence would come to you, that doesn’t mean your staff won’t notice. Slowly but surely, unkept promises can lead to distrust between yourself and your staff.


Get Yourself into the Trenches

One of the most common mistakes made by leaders is keeping themselves apart from their team. Therefore, when you attempt to convince your staff that you’re all in it together, they usually don’t believe you. Lead by example and get yourself into those trenches alongside them. Not only will your team be able to learn from your methods, but they will appreciate the fact that you’re taking time to go through the work with them.