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Patrick Dwyer, Merill Lynch financial advisor on how to lead a hybrid team.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the workforce has changed forever. While working from home seemed like a temporary fix at first, it is now a standard part of the workforce. Influential leaders should adapt accordingly to be successful in this new age. Here are some tips for effectively managing a hybrid team.


Communication is Key

With a hybrid team, you will likely not be seeing your employees regularly as you were before this transition. Because face-to-face interaction is now sporadic at best, it is imperative to keep open communication lines with the people you work with. Whether this is a regularly scheduled phone call, a Zoom meeting, or a weekly email communicating your expectations, your workers need to hear from you consistently now more thane ever before. Establishing these consistent and open lines of communication early on will set you up for success.


Lay Out Your Expectations Early On

Should your workers be on the 9-5 schedule? Or are schedules more flexible when people are teleworking? Is there a designated hour for lunch breaks? All of these expectations need to be laid out as soon as possible. People cannot do well when they do not fully understand what is expected of them. Make sure to set up a meeting for your entire team or individually with each member to let them know what you expect from them and what they can reasonably expect from you. This will set both parties up for success in the long run.


Keep Everyone In The Loop

Because so much information is passed along day today in the office, giving your employees as much information as possible is essential. Share with them everything you know about your current clients, projects, etc. Don’t assume they know anything. Remember that communication is not what it used to be like when everyone sat in conjoining desks and cubicles. The more your employees know, the more they will be on the same page with you, and your entire team will function better.

Managing a hybrid team can be tricky, but you will be on the road to success with these tips. For more ideas on hybrid team management, check out this blog post.