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Entering a leadership position for the first time can be overwhelming for some individuals. Without prior experience, the responsibilities and expectations can seem daunting. Fortunately, many other individuals have been in similar situations, and there are plenty of resources to help aid you in this transition. The following tips, for example, provide a great starting place.


Grow Your Network

Whether you’ve accepting a leadership role within the same company or have moved to an entirely new workplace, growing and developing your network is an essential part of being a leader. In order to achieve success, you need to understand that your personal success, as well as the company’s overall success, is not dependent solely on you; it is a team effort, and having strong connections can help such efforts progress smoothly and efficiently.

Connecting with other leaders in your business on a more intimate level and getting to know the people working under you is a good place to start.


Be Humble

As a leader, you have been entrusted with more responsibility. You may supervise a team or an entire operation, but you should not let this power go to your head. Instead, learn to listen, accept criticism, step down when necessary, and embrace humility as the situation demands. While you may be in a respectable position, chances are, there are other people in your sphere who have expertise that differs from your own, and listening to their thoughts will be far more valuable than simply dismissing them as an underling.


Maintain a Good Attitude

In a new role, you may feel yourself getting stressed, overwhelmed, or irritated. While these are natural in any adjustment period, it is best that you learn to suppress these negative emotions while in the workplace; you should not force yourself to ignore how you feel, but it is important that you consider the place and time whenever you are upset. Lashing out at an employee for something small is going to make the environment feel hostile, and it will have a negative impact on productivity. Likewise, you should strive to speak highly of others and never badmouth anyone to coworkers or higher-ups. A little kindness and positivity goes a long way, especially when you are in a leadership role.